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Burschenschaften were fraternities of students which played a role in German universities in the 19th and the early 20th century. At the beginning of the 19th century - a period characterised by the 'foreign' reign of Napoleon and the fragmentation of Germany into many small states and principalities - the Burschenschaften strived for a unified German nation state modelled after the other European great powers.

The longing for a unified and liberated 'Fatherland' was expressed most poignantly at the Wartburgfest on 18 October 1817 when all the German Burschenschaften gathered for a celebration at Wartburg Castle in Thuringia.

(The word Burschenschaften literally translates as: "fellowship" -there were only male university students in the 19th century.)

(Thanks to Dr Rainer Buhtz for this text.)

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