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South Australia

Memorial to
Pastor Augustus Kavel
in the Langmeil cemetery at Tanunda, S.A.

The top of the memorial states in German: To the founder of the Lutheran Church in Australia. The inscription on the tablet reads (word-for-word, including its abbreviations. "Gemeine" is an obsolete spelling. It is a synonym for "Gemeinde"):
[English translation]

Denkmal des sel. Herrn
Ludw. Chrisu.

geb. zu Berlin den 3. Sept 1798
Von 1826-1835 war er Pastor in
Klemzig bei Züllichau
Um des rein lutherischen Glaubens
u. Bekenntnisses willen wanderte er
1838 mit seiner Gemeine nach Süd
Australien aus. Mit seltener Treue
verwaltete er sein Amt in seinen
Gemeinen bis an sein Ende. Am 12.
Feb: 1860 ging er in Folge eines
Schlagflusses ein zu seines Herrn
Freude und ruhet, bis dasz er auf=
stehe in seinem Theil am Ende d: Ta.

(Photo © D. Nutting) memorial

Memorial to the late Pastor Ludwig Christian August Kavel, born in Berlin on 3rd September 1798. From 1826-35 he was Pastor in Klemzig near Züllichau (now in Poland). In 1838 he emigrated with his congregation to South Australia for conscience sake to preserve the true Lutheran faith and confession. With exceptional devotion he carried out his duties in his congregations up until his death. On 12th February 1860 as a result of a stroke he joined his Lord and rests until he shall stand in his allocated place at the end of the days.

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German Australia © D. Nutting 2001