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South Australia

Samples of Work by Students (Friedensberg)

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(Above) "Wenn der Mann zürnt"
Heinrich Herbig, Friedensberg, 9th August 1877, age 12.


Wenn der Mann zürnt ist Schweigen
die beste Antwort des Weibes.
Ein frommes Weib herrscht über den
Mann durch lauter Gehorsam.
Ein Mädchen muß nicht so lange müßig
stehen als eine Taube ein Körnlein
When the husband is angry,
silence is the wife's best answer.
A pious wife rules over her husband
purely through obedience
A girl must not stand around idle
any longer than it takes a dove to
pick up a seed of grain.

Image: document

(Above) "Geography" (W.A.)
Olga Droegemueller, 1908, age 10.

Image: document

(Above) "Ein Continent"
Gustav Herbig, Friedensberg, 15th March 1880, age 13.


A continent is the largest area of land that man can travel through without crossing a sea. There are three continents: the old, which encompasses Europe, Asia and Africa, the new, which is composed of North and South America, and New Holland, which forms a part of Australia.

Image: document

(Above) "Ein frohes Herz"
Gustav Herbig, Friedensberg, 6th June 1877, age 10.
(Sütterlin handwriting)

The students learned both the German Sütterlin handwriting and the "English" handwriting.
(Peter Dörling's page about the Sütterlin handwriting...)


Ein frohes Herz, gesundes Blut,
ist besser als viel Geld und Gut.
A joyful heart, healthy blood,
is better than a lot of money and property.

Image: document

(Above) "Lehrer"
Heinrich Herbig, 24th July 1877, age 12.


Lehrern, die dir Gutes raten,
sollst du herzlich dankbar sein,
sollst durch Worte und durch Thaten,
sie wo du nur kannst erfreuen.
To teachers who give you good advice
you must be deeply grateful,
by words and deeds
delight them wherever possible.

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